We live in two worlds at the same time. A world within a world and there is often conflict between the two.

Life is like a complex jigsaw puzzle. It can be difficult to know where the pieces fit and what the picture is supposed to look like.

Basic Christian Beliefs

These great truths are foundational to God's revelation to us.

Time and Eternity

Through the Bible in verse

The Structure of the Bible

God's Word has come to us down through the ages.

A Bible Chronology based solely on Scripture. 

The unbreakable triangle of God's love.

The Return of the Lord Jesus for His Church. .

An Overview of End Times. From Now to Eternity.    

An Overview of Genesis 1 - 5


Abraham - Life of Faith

The Days of Noah

Moses and the Call of God

Building For God

These Study Courses will give you an overview of the Bible.

In the Beginning explains how God created Time, Energy, Space and Matter out of nothing. 

Travelling Through Time With God takes the reader through the  ages following creation, up to the present and on into the future. 

Questions are set which can be answered online and submitted for marking and the award of a Certificate of  Achievement from the Emmaus Bible School.